
23 August 2024

Local Recreation and Conservation Efforts in Seattle

Looking back on this past month of my fellowship with the National Park Service – Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Program, I am struck by how much variety and novelty there has been in my…
23 August 2024

Site Visits with RTCA

When thinking about what has happened within my fellowship with the National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) Program in the past several months, what immediately comes to mind is the sheer amount…
11 June 2024

HAFway Through

I am officially halfway through my fellowship with the NPS - Rivers Trails and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) program in Alaska, and it’s been a whirlwind. I’ve been finding it difficult to give people a proper…
06 June 2024

May Travels as a Wild and Scenic River Fellow

May was a very busy month! I got the opportunity to travel to Michigan for 2 events with my awesome supervisor. We first went to River Rally, which is a huge annual conference that gathers…
15 May 2024

Pacific Northwest Community-Led Recreation and Conservation Fellow

When thinking about what has happened within my fellowship with the National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance (RTCA) Program in the past several months, what immediately comes to mind is the sheer amount…
16 April 2024

Do You Know How Big the National Park Service Is?

I have always considered myself pretty knowledgeable in the world of conservation and the different players that exist, but the first 2 months of my fellowship opened my eyes to so many things I didn’t…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

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