
31 July 2021

The Issue of Diversity in the Field of Conservation

The field of art conservation has long been an economically gatekept community: one that, by its very nature, has generally allowed only the independently wealthy to enter. This starts at the beginning of one’s career…
15 July 2021

Future Prospects for Prospect Bluff

Hurricane Michael wreaked havoc within the Apalachicola National Forest in 2018 felling trees and tearing up archaeological sites. One such site is the Negro Fort at Prospect Bluff. This site is listed as a National…
13 July 2021

Preserving the Past Through Community Engagement in the Present

When we imagine our National Forests and Grasslands, the first things that come to mind are natural landscapes and resources. Media coverage on efforts to preserve our forests and grasslands tend to focus on the…
12 July 2021

Climbing and Conservation

Latino Conservation Week (LCW) was created to engage the Latino community in outdoor activities and to promote stewardship for our natural resources. I’m creating a LCW event in San Antonio, TX. San Antonio is the…
09 July 2021

Plants Rule Over My World

Hello again! Things have only picked up here in the Gunnison valley since the last post. Summer is in full swing, which means fieldwork is in full swing too! I’ve been handed over to help…
09 July 2021

Latino Radio Show Interviews

This past week I had the opportunity to partake in something I had never done before; I had the opportunity to go on Spanish radio stations to promote responsible recreation on behalf of the Forest…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342