
13 August 2024

My Time at the USFWS Southwest Early Career Conservationist 2024 Workshop

It’s another hot summer in Albuquerque though thankfully it’s not 115 F° for a week like last year. Regardless of the sun melting me away every day, I have been pretty busy this summer. The…
14 May 2024

Enjoying Spring in Albuquerque

Spring’s finally here in Albuquerque. The weather is nice at around 75 to 82 degrees Fahrenheit, and its a great time to explore the city. Many seasonal events are popping up in the city some…
09 May 2024

Spring Again in Albuquerque!

Winter has really flown by, and it finally feels like spring again! I’m definitely enjoying the warm weather and the flowering plants and trees. And I’m sure I’ll be loving it right up until it…
06 February 2024

A New Year in Albuquerque

I can’t believe it’s 2024 already. 2023 flew by, but at the same time felt like forever. It was the hottest year on record and going into this year, I try to be a bit…
15 December 2023

Finding Orphan Wells on Refuges with Lidar

Locating orphan oil and gas wells is the top priority of my work with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Orphan wells are wells that lack a known owner and must be plugged and/or remediated…
18 November 2023

Watching the Seasons Change in Albuquerque

The months have quickly flown by here in the Burque, and I can’t believe it’s almost Thanksgiving. Sometimes it feels like it’s still summer. Even today, the high was almost 70 °F and I need…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342