
29 July 2024

Refreshing my ArcGIS Skills / Actualizando mis habilidades de ArcGIS

After a two-year hiatus from using ArcGIS Pro, I recently completed a Geographic Information System (GIS) for Climate Action Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) offered by the Environmental Systems Research Institute (ESRI). This experience quickly…
27 June 2024

Mid-Fellowship Reflections: Climate Profiles in Action

Welcome back to my blog everyone! June officially marks the halfway point of my fellowship with the US Fish and Wildlife Service and I couldn’t be happier with the work I’ve been doing. The last…
26 June 2024

Celebrating Earth Day in Elizabeth, NJ

I am finishing my 6th month of my Fellowship with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services (USFWS), as a Climate Fellow, working on Climate Profiles for military installment INRMPs. As I continue to research and…
26 June 2024

National Adaptation Forum and Spring Travel

On a personal note, the spring and early summer have been busy with travel and seeing friends and family, as is often the case for many people this time of year. One of these particular…
03 May 2024

Thawing Out Spring Programming

Spring has truly sprung (or has it?) in the St. Louis area! March started with a trip up to the Minnesota Valley National Wildlife Refuge for the Region 3 Visitor Services workshop. I was able…
01 May 2024

Gearing up for Spring! / ¡Preparándonos para la primavera!

Spring has arrived! For some, it brings the dread of sneezing and coughing from heightened pollen, while for others, the warmer weather and later sunsets bring joy. Yet, many experience a blend of both during…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

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