
06 August 2022

Summer in Albuquerque

These past few months have been a real crash course in what summer is like in the Southwest. As a Northeast girl born and raised; it has been a big adjustment. However, it’s not just…
05 August 2022

Celebrating Latino Conservation Week - Naturaleza y Comunidad

Hello blog readers! Outside of my work as a projects and communications fellow for the Partnership Wild and Scenic Rivers Program (based out of the Springfield Armory National Historic Site in Springfield, MA), about a…
04 August 2022

Invasive Plant Management in the Pike National Forest

Hello, my name is Nick Race and I am the new invasive plant coordinator resource assistant for the Pike National Forest located in Colorado. Essentially my job is to go out and inventory, treat, and…
02 August 2022

Latino Conservation Week

Hello, my name is Josh Salwey, and I am a HAF intern for Vsitor Services at Trempealeau National Wildlife Refuge In Trempealeau, Wisconsin. This past week our refuge was celebrating Latino Conservation Week. During the…
01 August 2022

Exploring Piru Creek

Hello all! My name is Mireya, and I've been a biologist intern at the Ventura US Fish & Wildlife field office for about a month now. So far, one of my favorite aspects of this…
31 July 2022

Nature is Alive at John Heinz

When you work at the John Heinz NWR Refuge, you don’t just do one thing. As an Environmental Education Intern, I have had the wonderful opportunity to learn archery, release native species of turtles, install…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342