
25 April 2024

How I Handle Climate Anxiety as a Climate Fellow Part 2

Climate Change is a stressful, anxious, and a scary topic, and it is no wonder that most people are feeling climate anxiety as more and more news, studies, and updates are shared. It can be…
25 April 2024

A Tale of Two Conferences

In the past few months of my fellowship, I’ve had the opportunity to attend two conferences – the National Military Fish and Wildlife Association (NMFWA) annual meeting and the Northeast Association of Fish and Wildlife…
23 April 2024

NMFWA Conference Highlights and Climate Profile Progress

In the last blog post I wrote about the wonderful connections I have made so far in this fellowship with Hispanic Access Foundation and the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and that trend has continued.…
16 April 2024

Do You Know How Big the National Park Service Is?

I have always considered myself pretty knowledgeable in the world of conservation and the different players that exist, but the first 2 months of my fellowship opened my eyes to so many things I didn’t…
06 April 2024

The Beauty in the Flames

The month of March went by a lot quicker than expected! We are already a few weeks into spring and that’s wild to think about sometimes. Although, if you live in a northern state, winter…
04 April 2024

Shifting the Narrative

What do we mean by diversity, equity, inclusivity, and accessibility? How often are we faced with the truth that systemic issues are constantly present within the work we do? I realize now what we mean…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342