
09 July 2021

Pushing Through Growing Pains During a Pandemic

I’m halfway through my fellowship, and I just started to feel completely comfortable with my role and work. It took me a little longer than others, I’m sure, but I want to do the best…
09 July 2021

Monthly Adventures of a Recreation Technician Pt. 2

Hey y'all! Since my last posting a lot has happened at our forest. With the passing of multiple holiday weekends and the lifting of covid regulations here in California, there has been a vast increase…
09 July 2021

Endangered Species Experience- Riparian Brush Rabbit

I am a 33-year-old Natural Resources major at Oregon State University, set to graduate in May of 2023. My studies focus in fish and wildlife conservation and my end goal is to become a wildlife…
09 July 2021

A Day in the Life of Bat Conservation: My work with NABat

Hopefully, you read my last post on why bat conservation is important. Now I am going to get into the nitty gritty of my internship. I am part of the Directorate Fellowship Program (DFP) with…
09 July 2021

Pollination Party- An Open Invitation

Have you taken some time to thank some pollinators recently? A large portion of the food and products that we use daily are a direct result from the process of pollination. Generally speaking, pollination is…
09 July 2021

First Weeks as a Bumblebee Conservationist

Did you know that bumblebee colonies only survive one year? Additionally, bumblebees can also produce honey (just like honeybees) and they have only specific members that can sting you (males do not have stingers). These…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342