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PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: MS Latinos call for cleaner PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: MS Latinos call for cleaner
03 September 2024

PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: MS Latinos call for cleaner environment along Mississippi River

Category: News Coverage

The latest survey of Latino voters in Mississippi and nine other states reveals overwhelming support for environmental initiatives, with 87% favoring projects promoting a cleaner environment.

The Hispanic Access Foundation commissioned the poll and focused on community improvement and empowerment.

Vanessa Muñoz, waterways program manager for the Hispanic Access Foundation, said the study uncovered significant insights into pollution concerns and interesting statistics.

"We found that 86% of Latinos think that PFAS or forever chemicals are a major threat to the Mississippi River," Muñoz reported. "We also saw that 88% of the general population and Latinos think that chemicals and waste from industry are a major threat to the Mississippi River."

Muñoz pointed out a goal of the Biden administration is the 30 by 30 plan, which calls for conserving 30% of America's lands, fresh water and oceans by 2030.

Muñoz noted the survey timing is crucial as election season approaches. The results can play a critical role in shaping policy discussions, ensuring consideration of Latino voters' needs.

"Surveys can highlight the disparities and injustices and could help Latinos use this as a resource to advocate," Muñoz emphasized. "And for community leaders to push for changes and raise awareness on these issues affecting the Latino communities."

Munoz added the survey found 91% of Latinos support potential Congressional policies to create new national monuments, parks or wildlife refuges for outdoor recreation.

Written by Danielle Smith for Public News Service. 

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

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