News Coverage

13 December 2022

THE HILL: How to Address the Unequal Demographics of Climate Change

As policymakers gear for a new year of climate action and climate disasters, it is important for decision-makers to recognize that not everyone suffers the impacts of climate change equally. Latinos are twice as likely…
08 December 2022

PUBLIC NEWS SERVICE: Report: Improved Access to Nature Bolsters Biodiversity, Community

Promoting access to nature for underserved communities can improve quality of life while bolstering biodiversity and fighting climate change, according to a new report from the Hispanic Access Foundation. The study was released at the…
08 December 2022

EL PASO TIMES: Honor Latinx History, Make our Public Lands More Accessible: Moses Borjas

Making memories in the outdoors is a part of growing up in El Paso. As a kid, my father used to take me out to the desert to hike every Saturday morning. Using the arroyos…
12 December 2022

LULUS BLOG: Our 2022 Impact: How Lulus has Given Back This Year

2022 was a year for coming together and standing for belonging, dignity, justice, and joy. We are proud to have been able to support five important organizations working to make the world a kinder, more…
14 October 2022

GOOGLE: How Google is Supporting Intersectional Latino Communities

My family is of Salvadoran and Mexican descent — with the Indigenous, Afro-Latino and European roots that come with that lineage. One thing that they ingrained in me all my life was the importance of…
07 November 2022

WASHINGTON POST: Methane is a Threat to Local Health

With the news that methane concentrations are rising faster than ever, it’s clear that methane reductions must be among the top priorities for U.S. and international policymakers as we approach the international climate negotiations at…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

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