News & Blogs

04 August 2021

Longfin Smelt and Water Temperatures in the San Francisco Estuary

Fish are ectotherms that rely on the surrounding water to regulate their body temperature. They can move around and find colder thermal refuge in shaded or deeper areas of water, however sometimes these thermal refuges…
03 August 2021

Thank You and More

As my time with the FWS is winding down, I wanted to reflect on my growth and challenges I faced over the last 11 weeks. I am realizing the benefits in analyzing how you got…
03 August 2021

Final Thoughts

My summer DFP (Directorate’s Fellow Program) fellowship is quickly coming to an end. Since my last blog, I’ve completed the 5-year review for the San Bernardino Mountains bladderpod, conducted a meeting with partners to discuss…
03 August 2021

Conservation from home

As a graduate student, I’ve been working from home for almost a year and a half. Now as a Fellow with the US Fish and Wildlife Service this summer, I am working remotely to write…
03 August 2021

The San Francisco Estuary and Longfin Smelt

Longfin smelt (Spirinchus thaleichthys) is a fish species that is found along the Pacific coast from Alaska to California. A distinct population segment (DPS) exists in the San Francisco Bay-Delta, and this population has undergone…
03 August 2021

A Case for Optimism

As I come to my final weeks as a Directorate Fellows Program intern at Buenos Aires National Wildlife Refuge, I find myself reflecting on the many dichotomies of this place and my last 11 weeks…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342