Colorado or Bust Colorado or Bust
28 November 2022

Colorado or Bust

Hello everyone! My name is Letty Rodriguez, and I am new fellow for the Wild and Scenic Rivers and the National Trails Systems. I have been working remotely since I first started back in April when I was still attending school.

I am now a college graduate with a bachelor’s in science! It was a little difficult at first balancing my senior year as well as a full-time job, but everyone was very understanding, helpful, and supportive.

Now that I have graduated, I was able to finally make my move from Flagstaff, AZ to Fort Collins, CO where I will be able to come into work. It was nice to meet and speak with people who I have been working with for the past two months in person. When I applied to this position the part I was most excited about was the opportunity to move away from my home state. As much as I love Arizona, I wanted a change in scenery and the chance to explore somewhere new. There are beautiful trees and lots of grass everywhere! I was pleasantly surprised by all the water around me. Where I have settled down in Fort Collins there is a big pond and a creek that runs by a trail. I was also welcomed to Fort Collins by a thunderstorm! It has been quite some time since its rained back home, so I was happy to see the rain. My parents and I just sat outside for awhile to enjoy it.

I have spent my first two months getting acquainted with my colleagues, councils, committees, and I look forward to starting projects and helping out where I can.

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342