09 July 2021
First Weeks as a Bumblebee Conservationist
Did you know that bumblebee colonies only survive one year? Additionally, bumblebees can also produce honey (just like honeybees) and they have only specific members that can sting you (males do not have stingers). These…
08 July 2021
The Beauty of Being a Hemiparasite
The salt marsh bird’s beak (CHMAMA for short) is an endangered hemiparasite, which means that it latches onto other plants to sustain it for water and nutrients. It inserts a haustorium, a rootlike structure, to…
08 July 2021
A collaborative approach to saving an endangered flower
Non-native species (those introduced to an area outside of its natural range) have been listed as one of the five major causes of extinction world-wide. One such species, European beach grass, was planted throughout sand…
08 July 2021
Making the Most out of a Challenging Situation
It would be an understatement to say that COVID-19 has drastically changed how people learn, work, and play over the past year. Before I began my remote position as a directorate fellow with the U.S.…
08 July 2021
Delving into grasslands of Northeastern New Mexico
I’m approaching three weeks completed at Rio Mora National Wildlife Refuge (Rio Mora NWR) through the Directorate Fellows Program of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS). The shortgrass prairie landscape of Northeastern New Mexico…
07 July 2021
Potential Streams for Reintroducing Bull Trout
Last month, we had the stakeholder meeting for the Klamath Basin bull trout reintroduction decision making process, where the decision makers gathered together and formulated the fundamental objectives for the project: 1- maximize the persistence…