
19 June 2021

Desert Seed Collections

I’m a few weeks into my DFP internship with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife service, and I’ve already learned so much. I’ve lived in New Mexico for about three years now, and it never ceases…
18 June 2021

Conservation Work and Intersectionality: A Pride Post

My first month as an intern at the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service through the Directorate Fellows Program (DFP) has been a whirlwind of new experiences that I will certainly never forget. From orientation and…
18 June 2021

A River In The Desert

Hello everyone, my name is Laura Plascencia. This internship has brought me from Central California to Parker, Arizona to do inventory and monitoring of the northern Mexican garter snake, which is a federally threatened species.…
18 June 2021

Finding my Footing as a DFP Fellow

The first few weeks of my fellowship with Hispanic Access Foundation and the US Fish and Wildlife Service have been fast-paced. I have learned and am continuing to learn so much about the way federal…
18 June 2021

Making the Best Out of a Remote Situation

I am about a month into my Directorate Fellowship Program (DFP) position, and I am still just as excited as I was when I started. I am starting to understand what accomplishments the Foreign Species…
18 June 2021

First few weeks in External Affairs

My DFP project is with the USFWS External Affairs program in Region 2 (the Southwest Region) to create outreach materials for an upcoming proposed rule change to the management of Mexican Wolves. I’m currently a…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342