News Coverage

15 December 2023

AVENUE NEWS: Ripples from COP28: Marine Conservation in the Face of Climate Denial

My journey into marine conservation began far from the ocean, in the heart of the Midwest, in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. My first exposure to the magic of marine ecosystems was while watching Animal Planet and other…
18 December 2023

ALBUQUERQUE JOURNAL: Climate Change Threatens Latinx Population, Heritage and Landmarks

Heritage–what gives someone their identity, sense of self, and history. Although it can be defined differently based on one’s concept, it includes the shared legacies of the natural environment, the creations of humans, and the…
11 December 2023

HISPANOS UNIDOS: La Fundación Acceso Hispano Publica un Nuevo Informe

WASHINGTON, DC – La Fundación Acceso Hispano publicó hoy su informe “Erosión cultural: la amenaza climática a la herencia latina” en la 28ª Conferencia de las Partes de la Convención Marco de las Naciones Unidas…
05 December 2023

THE ASPEN TIMES: Posada on Public Land: Outdoor Tree-cutting Event Offers ‘Great Experience’ for Roaring Fork Latino Community

A partnership between an advocacy group and a government agency aims to increase Latino visitorship to public lands, and — anecdotally, at least — it’s working. Defiende Nuestra Tierra, the Latinx outreach arm of conservation…
15 November 2023

BOISE STATE PUBLIC RADIO: Latinos Face Much Higher Flood Risks Than Other U.S. Residents

A new report from Headwaters Economics and the Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF) finds that Latinos face substantially higher flood risks in the country. So far this year, one in four Latinos lived in a county…
13 November 2023

THE LATIN TIMES: Exclusive: Hispanic Access Foundation is Working to Empower Latino Leaders and Fight Climate Change

The Hispanic Access Foundation is dedicated to conserving waterways, fighting climate change, and empowering Latino communities across the United States to deal with these issues. In an interview with The Latin Times, Director of Conservation…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

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