News Coverage

31 August 2023

TIMES OF SAN DIEGO: Latino Youth, Celebrate Hispanic Heritage Month via Ocean Conservation

When I think of the ocean, I think of oxygen. Most of us associate clean air with leaves and trees, but organisms in the ocean are the ones that produce most of the oxygen we…
27 July 2023

EL TIEMPO LATINO: La Semana de la Conservación Latina: un espacio para fomentar el cuidado de los recursos naturales

Hispanic Access Foundation, Climate Power y The Wilderness Society celebraron el décimo aniversario de la Semana Latina de la Conservación junto con líderes comunitarios y defensores. La Semana Latina de la Conservación es una iniciativa…
27 July 2023

NATIONAL PARKS CONSERVATION ASSOCIATION: Latinos Are Critical to the Environmental Movement

Latino Conservation Week highlights the contributions of Latinos in caring for the environment, while encouraging the community’s culture of stewardship. Here’s how NPCA supports Latino engagement every day. Growing up in Los Angeles as a…
27 July 2023

IDAHO NEWS 6: Reports Reveal the Latino Community Seems to be Lacking in Recreational Time Compared to Other Groups

How often do you step out of your home and enjoy the outdoors? Well, research shows that people of color are far less likely to engage in nature-based outdoor recreation activities. While being outdoors and…
27 July 2023

MONTEREY COUNTY WEEKLY: Celebrating 10 years of Latino Conservation Week in Partnership with Hispanic Access Foundation

The sun rises over the eelgrass beds of Elkhorn Slough as birds fly over, creating a backdrop of harmonious noise. Along the shores of the Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary the waves crash along the…
28 July 2023

EL TIEMPO LATINO: Latinos piden proteger tierras alrededor del Gran Cañón y convertirlas en monumento nacional de EEUU

Estar en la naturaleza y cuidar de la tierra es parte de la herencia latina que muchos desconocen. Desde el acceso históricamente limitado a los parques, hasta los obstáculos actuales como letreros monolingües, hacen que…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342