
15 May 2022

What it Means to be a Civilian Climate Corps Fellow

While connecting with the land and the community in the Low Country here in South Carolina has been great, its also important to remember why we are doing this. This fellowship is designed to be…
10 May 2022

Spring Projects and Getting Involved with the Public

Things are almost starting to feel like spring around here! This week my coworker and I had an opportunity to help out with an outdoor education event. We set up a station for the kids…
10 May 2022

The Importance of Flexibility

I have learned about the importance of being eager and flexible throughout the three months that I have worked with the US Fish and Wildlife Service. I initially went into my internship with the expectation…
09 May 2022

Sweater Weather

And I quote….“It’s better to be overdressed than underdressed”, a valuable lesson I learned on one of our site visits with members of the Sacramento Fish and Wildlife Office and members of the California Department…
09 May 2022

CCC Fellow

Bosque del Apache NWR (bosque) continues to amaze me as I move forward with the amazing opportunity I have been presented with. Cold winter weather is in the past and the always expected New Mexico…
06 May 2022

Using Lidar and Deep Learning to FInd Abandoned Wells

Hello everyone! I’ve been working for the US Fish and Wildlife (USFWS) service for about three months now. I’ve been working more on the technological side of the agency instead of working in the field,…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342