
05 March 2022

My Experience with LiDAR in the Cabeza Prieta National Wildlife Refuge

Hello, my name is Kameron. I am an African American male who has traveled from Tennessee to New Mexico to assist the US Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) Southwest District. My work largely focuses on…
04 March 2022

Learning About Alaska From My Home

Alaska! Am I really going to Alaska?! Well not yet. But soon! I was hanging out at a coffee shop, job hunting. When I glance at my email, I see an email from the Hispanic…
04 March 2022

A Frog Dilemma: Conservation and Uncertainty

New job, new town, new people. This past month has been a time of drastic change. Exactly one month ago today I left my hometown to embark on my first ever full-time professional experience. I…
04 March 2022

My First Month as a Civilian Climate Corp Fellow

Hi everyone, my name is Benjamin (Ben) Newman. I am currently working at the Willapa National Wildlife Refuge Complex and at Malheur National Wildlife Refuge as an advanced fellow with the Civilian Climate Corp (CCC)…
04 March 2022

Connecting with the Land… The Wetlands

Starting this fellowship as a Civilian Climate Corps Fellow with the National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS) through the Hispanic Access Foundation (HAF) has been the perfect way to start off the new year in 2022,…
04 March 2022

First Month at USFWS!

Time really flies by, when you’re having fun! My first few weeks working with HAF and US Fish and Wildlife have been eye-opening and I believe the beginning of a transformative experience. Before this fellowship,…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

P: (202) 640-4342