
31 March 2022

California's Gold: Santa Monica Mountains

Welcome back, avid MANO blog readers; it’s great to see you! Unfortunately, the Omicron variant and the holiday season left me little to write about during the past four months. Thankfully, March has been fantastic…
30 March 2022

Big Night, Little Friends: The Great Salamander Crossing

While Amherst, Massachusetts is most known for its abundance of colleges and the more than twenty thousand undergraduate students that call it home, the outskirts are quiet and quaint. Driving around, it feels like your…
15 March 2022

National Trails System - 3 Agencies, 1 System

Hi blog readers! My name is Vanessa and I have been in my communications fellowship in NPS for the National Trails System (NTS) since September. I can’t believe it is now March! Since January, I…
07 March 2022

All Things Considered

In my time with the National Park Service – Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program (NPS-RTCA), my assignments ran the gamut from articles in newsletters to social media posts on Facebook and Twitter. By the…
05 March 2022

Saying Goodbye

My communications fellowship with the National Park Service – Rivers, Trails and Conservation Assistance program has finally come to an end. This fellowship was nothing like I had imagined it would be. I originally thought…
05 March 2022

Life on the Aransas National Wildlife Refuge (CCC Fellow)

The Aransas National Wildlife Refuge is on the Gulf of Mexico, about 45 minutes from Rockport, TX. It is located on the Central Flyway which is a bird migration route that migratory birds use to…

MANO Project
is an initiative of Hispanic 
Access Foundation.

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